Learn how this guy Survived; Living day by day,Homeless in America!
With no where to go what would you do?

For so many of us; A roof over our heads is a must. And without it is the unthinkable. Our story starts with this man. Who's name we want use. We'll just call him, John Doe'. He has granted us permission to share his story with the whole world. His reason for telling us his story; was to Educate anyone who is living outside in the cold. Some of the things that got him from day to day living, Are listed here below. Now our story began on a cold winter day. He knows that finding a job is the first thing on his list. But with no place to go, his options are limited. The simple things to get done was out of reach. Like ironing up your stuff just to look presentable for employers . And ironing without a house to plug into. He would need to do this with less power consumption as possible...

"I used this small iron witch had the minimum amount of power consumption as you can get". This didn't drain my car battery very much. See In the winter time, you want to use your car power supply as less as possible. Why? Altinators and Batteries can coast you alot of outer pocket expense. So for our next question, We asked him, how exactly did you cook your food every day? He answered... Well this is how.Â

With this small pot, You can cook mostly anything you want, rice, hotdogs,hamburger helper etc., without any grease splater. No buying coals everytime you need to cook; that's coasting you more money... So what he told us is that everything has to be very small to use just about anywhere. With the less power consumption possible ...Â

Right he said... "See some nights was so cold that I had to rap up In a blanket with only my nose out; just to keep worm". I learned a lot from doing this day in and day out. Believe it or not I was learning to adapt to my surroundings. So to our reader... what ideas would you have come up with just to survive? "See when you hit rock bottom he said; there's nowhere else to go but 👆 up". This is what he did next.Â

He turned to God; for everything. He said everytime he asked someone to do something for him, he got turned down. Until, A lady - A beautiful Angel😇 from heaven, offered to take him to church.The service he said, was so Informative; that he got direct messages out of it. It was food for my soul he said. It changed my life.Â

"You See when your back is facing the water; And you have nowhere else to go, That's when the Devil will try you the most." Remember the chapter in the Bible about - Old Man job he said. And for those that haven't been to church or heard about this Biblical Story. It reads like this - "There was a man in the land of Uz, whose name was Job; and that man was perfect and upright, and one that feared God, and eschewed evil. ... And the Lord said unto Satan, Hast thou considered my servant Job, that there is none like him in the earth, a perfect and an upright man." So what did the Devil😈 say to God that relate to this story. He said.. IF' you take that hedge from around him. I'll make him Curse you to your face! Not me, Our Unnamed guest said. God has been to good to me. Every door that got closed in my face. God open 10 more.Â

There was places that I could go during the heat of the day like the mall, a book store, a coffee shop and the library; I really enjoyed the Library, there was worm coco, free Wi-Fi, books to read and peace and quiet, He said. And keeping food wasn't to bad. My cooler kept food cold for days.

Our Guest say that the most challenging thing was not being able to use indoor power. Accept for what his car supplied. "See without a building with all these things in it like a bath room, a sink to wash up, tvs, etc. Your unplugged from the world". He said...Â

"It's like when your lights go off, nothing in your house works at all. For me the light never came back on". I'm so glad God put a lamb in the Bush for me, the park that I go to has power for visitors to use. This is why I agreed to do this post. For anyone that's living this way can learn from some of the things I did to survive. Like praying every day, how I kept my food cold for days - Dry ice worked best. Using very small devices with less power consumption etc., God also blessed me with a dependable Car so wouldn't need to pester anyone...Â

"Without my car, my head would of been on the ground. But God didn't see it to be that way". I've used it to go to work, to store my things in, to keep worm, to keep cool, my cooler in my trunk keeps food cold for days, heck I even use my back seat as a bed, Rooms around town run like $80 to $100 a day. My car save me money; he said... See With prayer all things are possible."With the Angles that's watching over me now, I feel like I can leave this planet, Never to return". To sum it all up, Doors have been opening for me and they haven't closed yet.he also told us that he has money in his pocket from working different jobs around town, his car is paid for and that he own every piece of clothing he has. "I have a job he said , I'm not starving for food at all. He closed out with us by saying; God never started anything he didn't finish. Not even this Earth; he only rested when everything was done. it's not over for me, not even close...Â

So as the Sun Rise and Set on you; Dear Homeless reader. Know that God loves you and that his work is never complete until it's finished. In the US there's thousands of people that share this story. Your not the only one. A lot of times what we go through is a test of faith. So don't give up. Why? Because that's exactly what The Devil 😈 wants you to do. And just like Old Man Job; your reward will come in the end. Thank you for reading this true story. And God bless...Â

Ending Lessons: We feel that, Until everyone is treated equally; Everything we as humans do could fail. Why? History has proven this over and over again. There's just to many Stories to count. We all live on this Big Beautiful Blue Planet, together. So let's lend a hand to those in need, And try to do what we can... Â